How was Iran's Islamic regime founded?

Almost all of us have a lot of interest in Iran. Many of us may not know that even 40 years ago there was a pro-Western atheist government in Iran. For, the revival of a religion-based state system in the modern era was unthinkable to sociologists and political scientists. In the West, religion was confined to individual life. 

A large section of Western-educated intellectuals, loyal to the West or with the help of their servile rulers, continued to push for the banishment of religion from all aspects of life in the Muslim world. But in such a context, the Islamic revolution of Iran changed all the conventional calculations of world politics and social systems.

Iranian Military, Iran, Ayatollah

It is important to say two things. Many things will be said here which may not be liked by many. But this article is completely neutral. Today I will tell you a lot of information that you may not have known before. So please read the entire article till the end.

How the Islamic government was established by removing atheists in Iran?

Iran's victorious Islamic Revolution on February 11, 1979, ended the country's grip on power, including that of the United States. This revolution brought back the true independence of the Iranian nation. But, as a result of this revolution the US superpower and its allies were disoriented. For the past four decades, one plot after another has been made so that the Islamic revolution in Iran will fail.

According to these conspiracies, America is sometimes imposing various types of sanctions on Iran, including indirect war, sometimes direct military aggression, or sometimes strict economic blockade. However, the Islamic Republic of Iran is moving forward in spite of the hostilities imposed by those arrogant superpowers led by the US.

However, one of the reasons for the success of this Islamic revolution in Iran was the European countries taking a stand for Iran. There are ambivalent views among the West on the Iran issue. In particular, no European country is in favor of imposing a blockade on Iran, and on the contrary, America and Israel are the main enemies of Iran.

Now many people may ask, since America and Israel are Iran's enemies, why are European countries taking a stand for Iran? 

To know the answer to this question, we have to go back to the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. The 1967 Arab-Israeli 6-Day War changed the course of Middle Eastern politics. Israel fought against Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq. Israel won the war in just 6 days. Israel completely captured the city of Jerusalem from Jordan.

Defeat in this battle was the most shameful for the Arabs. Due to the defeat in this war, the power and importance of the Arab countries in world politics have decreased a lot. The West stopped caring about the Arab countries. Arab leaders no longer have any value in world politics.

In such a situation, Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia stopped selling oil to the West in 1973. Which is known as a well crisis or a well embargo. Arab countries complained that the West was illegally aiding Israel and that Israel was a colonial settlement. 

The Arab oil embargo dealt a huge blow to the Western economy. Due to the oil embargo of the Arab countries, the price of oil in the European and American markets increased 300 times. The price of a barrel of oil increased from 3 US dollars to 12 US dollars. Just when everyone in Europe and America is clamoring for oil, Satan's boss, America, appears with a huge evil plan.

America signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia and OPEC known as the Petro-Dollar Agreement. The agreement stipulates that all OPEC countries will sell their oil in US dollars only. Because of this agreement between America and OPEC, all European countries became hostages in the hands of America. And America took advantage of it; if European countries wanted to buy oil, America had to take dollars from America, saying yes, sir. 

And European countries did not like this. At the same time, the anti-Soviet movement in Afghanistan and the mass movement against the American agent Reza Shah began in Iran. And Europeans use this opportunity. 

During the Islamic revolution of Iran, Mr. Ruhullah Khamenei stayed in France; he led the entire Islamic revolution from France. During Iran's Islamic revolution, Germany, the Soviet Union, France, and Italy all secretly supported Iran's revolution.

The Soviet Union wanted to overthrow the pro-American government in Iran by any means possible and install a pro-Soviet government. On the contrary, America wanted to overthrow the pro-Soviet government in Afghanistan and create a pro-American government.

Two devils planned; both devils' plans half succeeded. Because the American broker Reza Shah was overthrown from Iran, but an Islamic government was established, which was contrary to the views of the Soviet atheists. 

And the Soviet atheist government was overthrown from Afghanistan. But the Islamic Emirate was established, ideologically diametrically opposed to American secularism.

After Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iran began secretly selling oil from within OPEC in dollars as well as other currencies. European countries supported Iran's Islamic revolution with the hope that Iran's Islamic government would take such a decision.

When the new currency was launched in Europe in 1999, a few years later, in 2003, Iran decided to sell oil in euros. As a result, European countries no longer have to go to America and say yes, sir. Europe can now buy oil in its own currency, the Euro. Before 1979, Europeans were cheated by America in many ways. America often took illegal benefits from Europe in exchange for dollars.

Currently, the allies of the Islamic Republic of Iran are Europe, Russia, and China. China, Russia, and Europe do not want Iran to go back to the previous agreement to sell oil in exchange for dollars. This is exactly why when America tries to impose a blockade on Iran, Europe and China always stand against that blockade.

Iran, Ayatullah

And the Islamic government of Iran made use of this opportunity to make its military force strong enough. One of the reasons why America does not go directly to war against Iran is that America knows that if America joins the war against Iran, then Russia, China, and Europe will directly support Iran in this war, and Europe will support it secretly. America does not have the ability to fight a long-term war against a powerful country like Iran. It will be seen that the Iran war will become a death trap for America.

Because Russia, China, and Europe do not want any pro-American government to be established in Iran again, if a pro-American government is formed, Iran may return to the dollar regime. If this happens, both China and Europe will be held hostage by America. And this is exactly why Russia, China, and Europe will support the Islamic government of Iran in any situation. And America does not have the power to fight alone against so many powers.

Middle East Map

When US President Trump pulled out of the JCPOA deal with Iran in 2017, all European countries criticized it. Although the United States withdrew from the treaty, France, Britain, Germany, China, and Russia did not withdraw from it. All of them have taken a stand for Iran. 

The Islamic government of Iran is moving forward by very strategically using the fight between Europe and the US dollar versus the euro and the fight with China and the US. By exploiting this interest in the West, Iran has built its own powerful military. And then the Arab countries are creating huge nightclubs on this occasion. Spending billions of dollars on nonsense like football clubs.